10 November 2020


What is GraphQL, and how does it differ from REST?
What are the main advantages of using GraphQL?
What are scalar types in GraphQL?
What is the purpose of mutations in GraphQL?
What are variables in GraphQL, and how do you use them?
What is the difference between a field and an argument in GraphQL?
What is introspection in GraphQL, and how is it useful?
What are directives in GraphQL, and how do you use them?
What is the purpose of fragments in GraphQL?
What are subscriptions in GraphQL, and how do they work?
What is the difference between Relay and Apollo in the context of GraphQL?
What are the best practices for structuring a GraphQL schema?
What is the purpose of GraphQL schema stitching?
What is the difference between GraphQL subscriptions and WebSocket communication?
What are some common caching strategies for GraphQL?
What is the concept of persisted queries in GraphQL?
What are some common strategies for testing GraphQL APIs?
What is the purpose of GraphQL subscriptions?
What are some techniques for optimizing resolver performance in GraphQL?
What are some common security vulnerabilities in GraphQL?
What is the concept of federated tracing in GraphQL?
What is the concept of a GraphQL gateway and how does it work?
What are some common strategies for handling concurrency in GraphQL?
What is the concept of schema delegation in a federated GraphQL architecture?
What are some techniques for optimizing GraphQL introspection?
What is the concept of a federated GraphQL gateway and how does it differ from a regular gateway?
What are some common performance bottlenecks in GraphQL?
What is the concept of a federated GraphQL gateway resolver?
What are some techniques for optimizing GraphQL subscriptions?
What are some techniques for optimizing GraphQL query performance?
What is the concept of federated error handling in GraphQL?
What are some strategies for scaling a GraphQL API?
What are some techniques for optimizing GraphQL mutation performance?
What are some strategies for handling schema conflicts in a federated GraphQL system?
What are some techniques for optimizing GraphQL subscription performance?
What are some strategies for implementing real-time collaboration in GraphQL?
Explain the difference between type and input type in GraphQL.
Explain the concept of resolvers in GraphQL.
Explain the concept of batching and caching in GraphQL.
Explain the concept of interfaces and unions in GraphQL.
Explain the concept of DataLoader and its significance in GraphQL.
Explain the concept of deferred execution in GraphQL.
Explain the concept of federated GraphQL schemas.
Explain the concept of batched data loading in GraphQL.
Explain the concept of response composition in GraphQL.
Explain the concept of schema-first development with GraphQL SDL.
Explain the concept of persisted queries with the Apollo Server.
Explain the concept of introspection in GraphQL security.
Explain the concept of real-time collaboration with GraphQL subscriptions.
Explain the concept of automatic persisted queries in GraphQL.
Explain the concept of a GraphQL federation registry.
Explain the concept of a GraphQL serverless architecture.
Explain the concept of federated authentication in GraphQL.
Explain the concept of schema transformation in GraphQL.
Explain the concept of GraphQL federation with remote schemas.
Explain the concept of federated tracing with OpenTelemetry in GraphQL.
Explain the concept of a federated GraphQL gateway federation resolver.
Explain the concept of federated schema stitching in GraphQL.
How do you define a GraphQL schema?
How do you define custom scalar types in GraphQL?
How do you create a query in GraphQL?
How do you handle errors in GraphQL?
How do you handle file uploads in GraphQL?
How do you handle pagination in GraphQL?
How do you implement authentication and authorization in GraphQL?
How do you handle long-running queries or mutations in GraphQL?
How do you handle data validation in GraphQL?
How do you handle schema evolution in GraphQL?
How do you implement pagination with cursor-based pagination in GraphQL?
How do you implement error handling and validation in GraphQL?
How do you handle complex nested queries in GraphQL?
How do you implement rate limiting in GraphQL?
How do you handle schema stitching with Apollo Server?
How do you update the client side data with immediate effect mutations?
How do you handle complex authorization rules in GraphQL?
How do you implement versioning in GraphQL APIs?
How do you handle complex nested mutations in GraphQL?
How do you handle data caching and invalidation in GraphQL?
How do you handle partial responses and sparse fields in GraphQL?
How do you handle large file uploads in GraphQL?
How do you implement custom directives in GraphQL?
How do you handle multi-tenancy in GraphQL?
How do you handle distributed tracing in a federated GraphQL system?
How do you handle schema composition in a federated GraphQL architecture?
How do you implement schema-first development with Apollo Federation?
How do you handle concurrent mutations in GraphQL?
How do you handle authorization across microservices in a federated GraphQL system?
How do you handle schema evolution in a federated GraphQL architecture?
How do you handle long-lived connections in GraphQL subscriptions?
How do you implement distributed caching in a federated GraphQL system?
How do you handle distributed transactions in a federated GraphQL architecture?
How do you handle data migrations in GraphQL?
How do you handle data consistency across microservices in a federated GraphQL system?
How do you handle schema stitching with Apollo Federation?
How do you implement distributed logging in a federated GraphQL architecture?
How do you handle data synchronization across microservices in GraphQL?
How do you implement custom error handling in GraphQL?
How do you handle schema federation with GraphQL SDL?
How do you handle data consistency in a distributed GraphQL system?
  • Alias
  • Argument
  • Automatic persisted queries (APQ)
  • Data source
  • Deferred query
  • Directive
  • Docstring
  • Document
  • Extensions
  • Field
  • Fragment
  • gql function
  • GraphQL server
  • Introspection
  • Mutation
  • Normalization
  • Object Type
  • Operation
  • Operation name
  • Operation signature
  • Partial query caching
  • Query
  • Query colocation
  • Resolver
  • Schema
  • Schema Definition Language (SDL)
  • Schema-first development
  • Schema registry
  • Schema versioning
  • Subscription
  • Scalar type
  • Type system
  • Variable
  • Whole response caching

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